For couples heading down the aisle, there are a million things to think about... life as they know it is about to change and there are so many details that lead up to that amazing day! While tons of time often goes into choosing the perfect color of bridesmaids dresses or the flavor of wedding cake... many new couples overlook much more lasting decisions like the perfect colors for their new home and the "flavor" of their first house together! I have recently teamed up with Bella Flora Dallas, as a part of their Lifestyle Experts program, to help guide young couples through the process of creating their first home together.
Here are a few simple tips for new couples on how to make a big impact for a reasonable cost...
PAINT & PAPER - Be bold when choosing paint colors and wallcovering... steer clear of too much beige and instead chose your palette from gray, ivory or gold tones or use a pleasing version of your favorite color. Notice I didn't say SHOCK, I said BOLD. Don't use overly bright colors (dark is still great though) that are going to dominate the room. Instead use an interesting color that is subtle enough to keep your eyes moving, but bold enough that it will be remembered! As for wallcoverings... small scale graphic patterns, woven textures and the look of hand-painted are my favorite options.
ELEMENT OF SURPRISE - Don't let your walls have all the fun... any surface can be painted to add interest (floors, ceilings, cabinets, doors, trim, etc.) Don't be afraid to try something different. UNLESS you are painting over stained wood floors or cabinets, you can always change it if you don't like it. As my mom always said "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"!
WALL ART - Another great way to be bold is by selecting oversize or otherwise dramatic wall art (paintings, photography, tapestry, sculpture). A large collection of works will give the same impact. Natural Curiosities has a great collection of reproduction art pieces that are unique and affordable. (Dallas shops that carry the line include Calypso Home, Gray Living, Vintage Living and I am happy to order a piece for you as well).
SUPPORT LOCAL ARTISTS - And I have recently stumbled on a few great local artists who specialize in contemporary pieces... you can even send an artist fabric swatches or samples of color in the room and let them come up with a custom piece tailor made for you! Lindsey Meyer, Sonya Edwards, Carol Benson-Cobb, Charlotte Seifert are all super talented artists with approachable price points. Check out these links to see more of their works. And another great source for original artwork is SCAD.